So as we all know Vasia28 caught this terrible virus from Findur-Vaccine(Findurluv) yesterday. Vasia started to get pop-up and her computer just went out of control. Sad for Vasia, I guess her computer wasn't protected but lucky for Slaggot hers computer was. This is what Findurluv had to say about it all...
"As I normally do, I go on MSN and skype, My friend's window popped up and it sent me around three links, I opened them, and it took me to an Myspace profile. I immediately closed the tab and around 5-6 windows popped up, then my MSN chats froze. I signed out of MSN whilst it wasn't responding, and then talked to my friend on Skype; momentarily I lost control of my laptop, and it started sending all the messages to almost all my contacts, I went to each and every conversation and deleted each link, since I didn't want anyone to get what I got, so the last window that I closed was the conversation with Charlotte, Vasia and Sloane. Unfortunately Vasia opened it, and when Sloane asked what that was, I said never mind and :D, it was very shallow of them to be blaming me for something I didn't commit - of course, Vasia started freaking out, I told them what happened, no one believed me, and I just left the group, thinking there is no point in explaining myself to people who dont want to listen. Of course, not only Vasia's computer crashed, mine did too, and basically everything that my computer did, hers did as-well; moreover, I restarted my computer and everything stopped sending. If you wish to seek anymore proof, ask Aba (shake-something) herself."
I never knew pop-ups could access your skype or msn and start send links to your contacts. I don't know if I believe her because he she kept laughing at them but I'll leave the deciding to you guys, did she send this on purpose.
She lies,she said that she did not know what it was. I have proof,our convo. she knew that it was a virus
I would love to hear your side of the story.
I got that on msn too.
almost all my friends did it and I get from like 5 people aday that mail.
Yeah I get a lot of spam on MSN but not really on skype. The messages be like "CLAIM YOUR FREE I-PAD HERE!" but I know better not to open the link.
Maggie was telling me on MSN she knew it was a virus but until AFTER she read her messages with Aba telling Maggie not to open the links on MSN after Maggie received the virus.
Maggie just did the :D face but on Skype, it looks like you're laughing.
I understand why Vasia & Sloane are so pissed, though.
Yeah that's what I got too.
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