Monday, July 26, 2010

Your fired, and your hired

Well as everyone should know, the oh so great Elitenews was hired to replace Dan and the other many non-active bloggers for PSG. Hiring isn't the only thing not owner/lady in charge(N1mka4eva Charlie) was doing she was all firing people, like Lolita. Many say that Lolita wasn't really doing anything for the blog but whoring out project.

Lolita is a great girl but she has many other project, so really Charlie firing her has gave her time to focus more on TSS, BBS, and her new lingerie line. When I was speaking to Lolita she didn't seem to hung up on the fact that she was fired, she said she was planning on quitting but the reason why will stay between us two.

Something I also just realize that Charlie brought up is that me calling Tyler out about being possible gay is wrong and I'm truly sorry, I love all my gays and I thought that maybe me posting that would help you come out and possibly be a nicer person. Sorry, but for you to resort to a war, is very imature and for you to want pain upon someone is very evil of you.


Anonymous said...

I love how you targeted me in two posts after our conversation. It's like you're milking the fact that you've actually talked to me. It's nice that you're trying to save your 'good girl' image, I already know the real you.

Oh, and about the war - I love how funny little statement goes such a long way, it was literal; mostly aiming towards the blogosphere and the blogs we own - if you can catch on.

Fluro222 said...

I adore this blog!

The True Elite said...

Writemarycat is up:

Charlotte said...

I find it hard to believe that anyone would milk the fact that they had talked to you, Tyler.

Linda/Elite-girl said...

Yeah Tyler, I'm not that pathetic, maybe if I was talking to someone like Lady Gaga I'd be milking it but hun your no Lady Gaga, don't flatter yourself.

Jessica/Jay.Pattinson said...
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Jessica/Jay.Pattinson said...

"maybe if I was talking to someone like Lady Gaga I'd be milking it but hun your no Lady Gaga, don't flatter yourself."

LOOOL! Loved it!