Someone (the oldest pervert on Stardoll) is planning on opening a new blog! He goes by the name of
He announced this in Fashion Club, moments after viewing my page so I'm guess I'm one of the welite he is referring to (giggles)?
I won't be reading if he does make the blog, but I'm sure some of you may.
Look at what this dumbass is ploting in Fashion Club, he is tell everyone to spam Patrick's guestbook asking him if he is Santa. Later he calls Patrick 'fatty patty' which is totally disgusting. AM I the only one who thought Dan looked like 2 COWS in his last video on PSG. Dan check you double chin before you talk about others.
I must go get my Mean Girls DVD and put it in my hands and pray for this Mean Girls 2 blasphemy. I will watch Mean Girls all day to get these disturbing Mean Girls 2 images out of my head. *silence for the death of Mean Girls 2*
It dosen't have the meanest of Regina Goerge , the clueless of karen and not even the Queen-pet of gretchen , the gayness of damian , the bad-ass of janis , the nerdiest of Kevin G
one word: Shit.
I feel like frickin crying because they killed the best movie ever.
& The casting is TERRIBLE, cos' Mean Girls isn't Mean Girls without Linsay Lohan.
Epic FAIL.
this sucks and why would you ruin such a classic with this shitty remake